Community Mobilization for Positive Empowerment, (COMPE) is local -based NGO registered in Kenya under the Kenya NGO act with registration number OP.218/ 051/120792/8650.COMPE is dedicated to creating lasting transformation in the lives of women, youth children and the entire community. (COMPE) coins its name from a desire to mobilize the community to develop local capacities to improve the socio-economic position of the beneficiaries to free them from the three major forms of vulnerability namely: transitory related to livelihood shocks which affect economically active groups, chronic related to life cycle events e.g old age, orphanhood, widowhood, disability and structurally related to market failures, seasonal unemployment, political marginalization, social exclusion.

A prosperous society where everybody is engaged in positive sustainable development without fear of oppression and access to decent living standards.

To promote sustainable positive and innovative profitable development oriented micro- enterprises and livelihood support programs among underserved communities

To integrate community participation and involvement into core community development activities.
Core values
Operation Areas.
Food Security
Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WATSAN) & HIV/AIDS Awareness.
Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods
Girl Child Education Agriculture Environmental Conservation